Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pocatello Part VI: We. Have. Arrived.

So after a hiatus from blogging (a side-effect of, well, my laziness plus lack of internet service plus settling in at a new place plus an increasingly scattered mind), I'm back. And the great news (not that Tyler blogging isn't great news. I mean, c'mon...)? After a year of commuting to school from one place or another, we're finally in Pocatello. Now instead of driving an hour plus to class and work, it takes just five or so minutes to get to campus. And if I'm feeling green, I can even ride my bike (which I plan on doing as frequently as the weather permits). Sure this house is smaller than our last. Sure Pocatello's a bit strange (but, hey, so are we). But it was either this or life on the street because our last rental got sold out from under us and we had to leave. So why, we figured, not make our way south?

Now we're calling free (though I'm sure that won't last for long *knocks on wood*), the girls have new friends just next door and potential friends in the ward/neighborhood, and we're closer to our Utah families. Oh, and? I won't have to commute anymore...and just as winter sneaks up on us. Happy, happy day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Go along with Birthdays

My Father also had his Birthday and I tried my hand at a second cake on my own this time. He loves to golf so he got a putting green cake. The golf balls did not work out that well but the grass did, (thanks for the tip on that Taryn), it did take me several hours just to do that grass though. All in all it worked out well and we had a great party. Even my sister Bri in China got to Skype in for the fun. Love you dad hope you enjoyed your day!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Speaking of Birthday's

My Mom had her birthday party in August and I wanted to do something fun so my dear sister-in-law Taryn helped me make a cake. (By the way thanks a ton Taryn couldn't have done it without you). The fun part is that when we were little she would leave notes for us on the white board at home and at the end she always drew a picture of a flower with a caterpillar on the left and a butterfly on the right. It was her "with love" signature of sort. So I made it into a cake with love!! Get it? Anyways I think it turned out cute! Love you mom!

The caterpillar, grass and lady bug are
made up of cupcakes!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sid's Birthday Pictures

So here are the pictures of Sid's party, thanks for sending them to me Brit. She had so much fun and we were all tired at the end of it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Play Hard, Crash Anywhere

Hadley worked so hard helping mommy clean the house and playing that she was tired enough to sleep here. Don't worry I moved her to her bed as soon as I took the picture!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Old and New events

Back in July Sid had a big Birthday party however all the pictures are on my sisters camera, (she will send them to me soon, right Brit) I did have this one picture of her cake. It was sure a fun party and now my Sid is six years old and in the 1st grade. My house stays much cleaner now that she is at school all day. Fancy That!

Hadley is just growing like a weed, a sister teasing, not afraid of anything or anyone weed. This picture is her on the little potty she is training very well because she wants to be big like her sisters. I can't believe she will be two in Jan.

The real big news of the day is that today was Alex's first day of Pre-school. She LOVED IT! Thank goodness, she is my shy child and I was worried about her going on her own. She had no fear and no problem however. She can't wait until Thursday when she gets to go back. This picture is her coming out from class.

We had our good friends the Norths up this past weekend and while they were here the kids wanted to go see the Temple so we went. They loved it and the river with the falls.

Also while they were here we went to Leo's for some food and fun. Hadley really liked this ride.

Over Labor day weekend we went to Ogden to see family and friends, while we were there my little brother took us boating. Hadley got her first ride on the tube and she really had fun. Once she got off Mom and the older tube went for another ride that was a bit faster.

Monday, July 27, 2009

On Potty Training, Tooth Fairies, and Hunting Ducks

Since my last post on this topic a month ago, I'm happy to report that we've only had a limited amount of sans potty water making (I think I can count the incidents on one hand, though I'm still knocking on wood. Hear that?) and she's been doing excellent at night: we still put a pull-up on her, you know, just in case, but she wakes up with it dry every morning.

Now if only we could convince her there are no tiny monsters living on or near the lamp in their bedroom (don't know where that idea came from) maybe she'd sleep through the night and we'd have fewer things to keep us up at night.

On a similar note, Number One had a repeat night visitor a couple of weeks ago when she lost her first two teeth, the second just days after the first. The first night she said she felt T.F. walk across her pillow and trade the tooth for moolah. Luckily, she didn't wake up because, well, she may have discovered that T.F. is a bit bigger than she expects and doesn't really look like this pic. Oh and that, in this case, she isn't exactly a she.

And on a final note: Number Three's taken to hunting ducks---of the Usborne kind, that is. Grandma gave them all The Usborne Book of Fairy Tales and she discovered the joy of the hunt. I think she could spend hours turning the pages, pointing to hidden water fowl, yelling, "Mom! Ducky!" Who says kids don't have much of an attention span?

Ah, the endless wonders of toilets, teeth, and ducks.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

So apparently, big girl underwear was the trick.

We've been trying to get number two toilet-trained for, um, I don't know how long---a while now---and just when we think she's in the rhythm, the record skips and we have to start the song over and over and over again. Yet, serendipitously, we ran out of pull-ups the other day and I put one one of number three's diapers on her. Apparently such diapers are not the in-thing for three-year olds this summer, because she took it off and opted for panties instead.

And she hasn't had a daytime waste incident (meaning away from the pot) in the few days since.

I only hope the record continues.

And yes, let's all knock on wood.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bold and Blue

I just caught wind of this, in which I'm featured (at the end of the first page) in bold, blue letters as winner of the Ford Swetnam Poetry Prize.

Pulitzer, I'm on my way.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sid's new glasses

Well she can finally see! She looks good as well!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


My flowers are coming out, yeah spring!

New Bike

Tyler is working hard with Sid to get her to ride her new bike. As you can see, she still liked to lean a bit.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Dresses, Easter Shoes

Here are the Dresses I was talking about. Alex would never take it off if we let her. We do let her where her new shoes, and they never come off, not even for a nap!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Visitors

Grandma and Grandpa Ames came up to spend Easter with us and buy was it a blast. We had an Easter Egg Hunt followed by a Easter egg throwing war between the girls and grandpa. The bunny came and Grandma Ames got them way cute dresses which I will post a picture of the next time I get them to put them on. Grandma and Grandpa Chadwick got them new church shoes and Sid and Allie gave me a little fashion show, so you get to see those pictures now. We also had an amazing rainbow for Easter. Tyler took that picture right on our front porch, I have never seen a brighter rainbow. It was really just a great weekend.

Alien in Idaho

E.T visited us the other day and we just had to take a picture. This is Hadley in Sidney's coat. So Cute!

The Three-Year-Old

These pictures are from Alex's birthday back in Feb. She had Grandma and Grandpa Ames, Aunt Brit and Uncle T come up for a few days. Then Grandma and Grandpa Chadwick came up for an overnighter. That is why there are two cakes. Aunt Taryn made the cute Book Cake for her which she loved. It was very fitting because SHE LOVES BOOKS! She also loves her Crunch Berries so Grandma Chadwick got her her own box. Good thinking Grandma.

What? It Snows In Idaho?!?

This winter was cold up here in ID but we had fun anyways. Tyler liked taking the girls outside with him when he would shovel. They were so cute.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pucker Up!

(Just don't get your screen wet kissing back...gross!)

Update Me...

...please!*Sniff, sniff*

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

come on and double it...

Because one dose of curls just isn't enough, here's dose number two of our doublemint twins.

And now, time for the obligatory (if hokey) question: Aren't they just so cute?

Okay, that's enough.

Link away now before you OD on cuteness...